Online Resources for Additional Study
The titles listed below link to articles from online journals and blogs from a variety of authors. They are included here as supplemental material for those who wish to dig deeper in their study of church history.
The Apostolic Period
An Introduction to Acts - Part 1 (MacArthur)
An Introduction to Acts - Part 2 (MacArthur)
Sermons on the Book of Acts (MacArthur)
Are there Apostles in the Church Today? (Busenitz)
The First Seminary (Busenitz)
Upon This Rock (Busenitz)
Why These 66 Books? [Article] (Busenitz)
Why These 66 Books? [Audio] (Busenitz)
Why These 66 Books? [Slides] (Busenitz)
Patristic Period
The Church Fathers and Sola Scriptura (Busenitz)
The Church Fathers and the Rock of Matthew 16 (Webster)
The Gospel according to the Church Fathers (Busenitz)
Getting Back to the Ancient Church (Busenitz)
Did the Early Church Teach Transubstantiation? (Busenitz)
The Arian Controversy (Needham)
Did Constantine Invent the Trinity? (Busenitz)
The Early Church and the Deity of Christ (Busenitz)
Doctrine in Focus: The Trinity (Busenitz)
Modalism and Oneness Theology (Busenitz)
My Favorite Santa Claus Story (Busenitz)
Christmas and Controversy (Busenitz)
The Death of History's Worst Heretic (Busenitz)
The Legacy of Athanasius (Piper)
Chrysostom and Justification by Faith (Busenitz)
The Legacy of Augustine (Piper)
Augustine: Bishop of Hippo (Murray)
Augustine and Christian Longing (Riccardi)
The Council of Chalcedon (Needham)
The Medieval Period
When Did Praying to Saints Begin? (Busenitz)
Is the Papacy Legitimate? (Webster)
Forgeries and the Papcy (Webster)
The Assumption of Mary (Webster)
Penance and Confession (Webster)
Gottschalk (Lawson)
The Great Schism of 1054 (Nichols)
Instructions to the Dying (Busenitz)
How Many People Died in the Inquisition? (Busenitz)
The Spanish Inquisition (Nichols)
Is Christmas Day Rooted in Paganism? (Busenitz)
Bernard of Clairvaux and Mysticism (Nichols)
The Gospel in Church History (Busenitz)
Examining the Doctrine of Justification (Webster)
The Morning Star of the Reformation (Nichols)
The Seventh Century (Needham)
The Eighth Century (Needham)
The Ninth and Tenth Centuries (Needham)
The Eleventh Century (Needham)
The Twelfth Century (Needham)
The Thirteenth Century (Needham)
The Fourteenth Century (Needham)
The Fifteenth Century (Needham)
The Reformation Period
A Century of Change (Needham)
What Caused the Reformation? (Busenitz)
The Personal Reformation of Martin Luther (Busenitz)
​A Mighty Fortress (Busenitz)
The Legacy of Martin Luther (Piper)
The Legacy of John Calvin (Piper)
The Father of the English Bible (Lawson)
The Legacy of William Tyndale (Piper)
The Bible in English (Nichols)
A Quiz for Reformation Day (Busenitz)
The Geneva Bible (Nichols)
The Scottish Reformation (Nichols)
The Death of Thomas Cranmer (Busenitz)
Persecution, Perseverance, and Hope (Busenitz)
17th and 18th Centuries
Overview of the 17th Century (Needham)
The Legacy of John Owen (Piper)
John Owen and the Fight Against Sin (Ferguson)
John Owen on Conversion (Ferguson)
The Legacy of John Bunyan (Piper)
When Others Do You Wrong (Busenitz)
The Legacy of George Whitefield (Piper)
The Legacy of Jonathan Edwards (Piper)
The Extraordinary Life of Jonathan Edwards (Murray)
The Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards (Nichols)
Jonathan Edwards and Broken Resolutions (Busenitz)
The Legacy of David Brainerd (Piper)
John Wesley's Failed Marriage (Busenitz)
Does Calvinism Discourage Evangelism? (Busenitz)
19th and 20th Centuries
A Life Not Wasted: Adoniram Judson (Busenitz)
The Legacy of Adoniram Judson (Piper)
The Contagious Chain of Missionary Zeal (Busenitz)
Living and Dying for the Glory of God (Busenitz)
Spurgeon on the Call to Missions (Busenitz)
The Legacy of Hudson Taylor (Piper)
The Legacy of John Paton (Piper)
Spurgeon on How to Respond to Sermon Feedback (Busenitz)
The Legacy of Charles Spurgeon (Piper)
Preachers on Preaching (Busenitz)
The Legacy of John Newton (Piper)
The Legacy of William Wilberforce (Piper)
The Legacy of Robert Murray McCheyne (Piper)
The Legacy of George Muller (Piper)
The Legacy of J.C. Ryle (Piper)
What Would Jesus Do? (Busenitz)
Learning from Liberals (Busenitz)
The Legacy of B. B. Warfield (Grier)
The Legacy of J. Gresham Machen (Piper)
Our Fundamentalist Future (Busenitz)
The Legacy of C.S. Lewis (Piper)
The Legacy of Martyn Lloyd-Jones (Piper)